Casual Tennis
All Canterbury Recreation Association members are welcome to reserve tennis courts for casual play. You may bring guests to play with you for a fee of $5.00 per guest per visit. Purchase Guest Passes here.
Court hours are:
Upper Courts (next to the pool, unlighted, courts 1 – 4): 8:00 a.m. to dusk
Lower Courts (across the parking lot, lighted, courts 5 & 6): 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
If you are interested in meeting others who like to play tennis, but don’t want to commit to a team, send your contact info to Terri Quinan, CRA Tennis Chair, at tennisinfo.canterburyrec@gmail.com and she will keep a referral list.
Tennis Clinics
Canterbury’s tennis pro, Gonzalo Garcia, offers clinics for children and adults. Visit West End Tennis Academy to find out more and to register.
Women’s Suburban League Teams
Canterbury Recreation Association members are encouraged to join one of our women’s teams that participate in the Richmond Suburban Tennis League. This is a fun but competitive league that includes a number of area clubs. We have two levels of play, so there is a place for everyone! If you are new to tennis, we have a beginning “C” team. For the more experienced player, we also have the “A” advanced team.
The spring season begins in April and runs for seven weeks and the fall season begins in September and runs for seven weeks. Each team participates in practices and clinics as agreed upon by the team. If you are interested in joining a team or would like more information, please contact CRA Tennis Chair, Terri Quinan, at tennisinfo.canterburyrec@gmail.com.
Men’s Team
The men’s team plays on Saturday morning in the Richmond Racquet League. Matches start in April, so don’t delay in getting in touch with James!
GOLD team (4.0+ players) – Contact James McKnight at jamesmcknight@verizon.net
USTA Teams
USTA teams are formed as interest builds. For more information on forming or participating on USTA teams with Canterbury Recreation Association, contact CRA Tennis Chair, Terri Quinan, at tennisinfo.canterburyrec@gmail.com.
Pickleball (Court 5)
CRA has added permanent pickleball markings on Court 5! Members are encouraged to come give it a try at our Pickleball Round Robin Thursdays on Court 5 from 6 to 8pm! Paddles will be available for those who need one. To register for Round Robins, contact Teri Quinan, Tennis Chair, at tennisinfo.canterburyrec@gmail.com.
Watch here to find out more about pickleball!
Click here to read the rules of pickleball.
Canterbury Recreation Association: 1300 Pump Road, Henrico, VA 23238